Looking for a turkey-day screening alternative to football? How about the most widely debated and downloaded of 9/11 conspiracy documentaries, now available in a special two-hour edition? Holiday fun for the whole family, right?

“Loose Change: Final Cut,” for sale on DVD and via streaming video from the film’s website, premiered last Sunday to a near-sellout crowd at the Riverview Theater, where 27-year-old co-producer Jason Bermas modestly suggested to the crowd that Thanksgiving Day viewings of his guerrilla media counterattack could help keep the home fires burning.

Why not? Sniffing around everything from a hijacker’s porno-movie rental on Sept. 10, 2001, to the U.S. war games allegedly in progress when the first plane hit, “Loose Change”—”writen” [sic], as per the opening credits, by 24-year-old Dylan Avery, who also directed — makes skepticism at least as tasty as anything else being dished out this season.

Previous cuts downloaded 50 million times
A bona fide new-media phenomenon in its two previous editions, which have apparently been downloaded some 50 million times, “Loose Change” works by panhandling for our outrage. The viewer can direct his frustration at the filmmakers themselves for suggesting, not always persuasively, that 9/11 was an “inside job” complete with controlled demolition of the Twin Towers, or at the government and mainstream media for taking the “9/11 Commission Report” as the definitive word on the subject.

Naturally, both varieties of irritation were on display at the Riverview. Outside the theater, one middle-aged gent held a placard reading, “Dylan Avery is a Bad Filmmaker” (harsh!), while other dissenters distributed pamphlets characteristic of the sizable anti-“Change” contingent (e.g., “Do not let ‘Final Cut’ be the final word”). Inside, the paying audience, much of which was outfitted in truth-movement T-shirts, gave the movie a standing ovation. Several scenes were met with loud applause — particularly footage of President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard B. Cheney unconvincingly addressing cable news reporters’ questions with stammered speech and darting eyes.

Loose Change Final Cut is substantially different from Loose Change and Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut in the way it presents the information surrounding 9/11/2001. However, it remains true to the spirit that has made Loose Change what it is today. It it a good supplement to Loose Change Second Edition. Loose Change 9/11 Second Edition DVD. Loose Change Final Cut is the third installment of the documentary tha.

Toe-tapping music, too
Combining speculative reenactments, talking-head testimony and copious archival footage to refute the official version of an historical tragedy, “Loose Change” operates vaguely in the tradition of Emile de Antonio’s classic Warren Commission rebuttal “Rush to Judgment.” But of course that 1967 doc doesn’t feature anything like the Casio keyboard-style “Change” score, much of which, with its electronic synth-blasts and handclaps, is downright funky.

It’s plenty odd indeed to catch yourself tapping your toes to a movie that insinuates thousands of Americans were murdered by members of their own government. Yet perverse gratification seems among the intended responses to “Loose Change,” a movie that allows disbelievers of all sorts to fumble and fume their way toward catharsis. Personally, I’m neither qualified nor inclined to evaluate the film’s veracity relative to other 9/11 stories, official and otherwise. Yet this purportedly final cut does strike me as being impressively assembled on a minuscule budget, as well as both enjoyable and disturbing.

Suspicions rewarded
Like a lot of recent docs, including more conventionally accomplished ones such as “No End in Sight,” “Loose Change” rewards one’s suspicions of the current administration in general and its handling of the terror war in particular. So, too, the movie at once hails and condemns the mainstream media’s coverage of 9/11. Along with interviewed survivors speaking of lower-floor “explosions” in the towers just before they fell, the wealth of TV news clips from the first week after the attacks features establishment anchors spouting off the cuff about the similarity of the buildings’ swift collapses to “demolition.” Seen today, even CNN broadcasts from that chaotic period convey a startling degree of honesty — though it’s not so easy to find a newscaster on any network poking around the official story now.

At the Riverview, Bermas appeared at least as charismatic and articulate as, say, Anderson Cooper. Appearing in a bright red hoodie emblazoned with “Investigate 9/11” (his own trendsetting design), answering viewers coolly and to their satisfaction, the independent producer also took the liberty of endorsing Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, calling for a subpoena of Cheney’s 9/11 bunker-mate Norman Minetta, and, yes, asking for donations.


The movie isn’t called “Loose Change” for nothing.

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More Government Sponsored Terror Declassified
British government documents reveal Israeli involvement in 1976 PFLP hijacking
Steve Watson
Monday, June 4, 2007

Loose Change Final Cut Dvd Files

Newly declassified British intelligence documents have revealed that British diplomats believed that the hijacking of an Israel-bound plane in 1976 by a Palestinian resistance group was aided and abetted by Shin Bet, the Israeli security agency, in order to criminalize the Palestine Liberation Organization and provide justification for continued Israeli military occupation of Palestinian land.
As revealed in the Jerusalem Post yesterday, the document, released by the National Archives, was addressed to the Foreign Office on 30 June 1976 and was written while the crisis was unfolding.
DH Colvin of the Paris Embassy wrote:
'According to his information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Beit.
'The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans.

Loose Change Final Cut Dvd Player

'Their nightmare is that after the November elections, one will witness the imposition in the Middle East of a Pax Americana, which will be the advantage of the PLO (who will gain international respectability and perhaps the right to establish a state on evacuated territories) and to the disadvantage of the Refusal Front (who will be squeezed right out in any overall peace settlement and will lose their raison d'etre) and Israel who will be forced to evacuate occupied territory).
'Hence the unholy alliance of the hijacking.

Loose Change Final Cut Dvd Cover

'My contact said the PFLP had attracted all sorts of wild elements, some of whom had been planted by the Israelis.'
Hijackers seized the plane shortly after it took off from Athens on June 27. The plane was diverted first to Benghazi, Libya, where it was refueled before to going on to Entebbe airport in Uganda. The siege lasted eight days whereupon remaining hostages, about 100 Jewish Israelis and internationals, were freed when the Israeli military raided the airport on July 3rd, killing 3 hostages, 20 Ugandan soldiers, and all seven hijackers.
The Israeli military destroyed 1/3 of the Ugandan air force during their massive assault on the airport. The commander of the rescue team, Yoni Netanyahu, brother of current opposition head Binyamin Netanyahu (Likud) was also killed.
The revelations from the British diplomats concerned show that false flag and state sponsored terror has long been considered and used as political tool by Western governments and intelligence agencies.

Loose Change Final Cut Dvd Ripper

Israel is no exception, its history is replete with illustrative examples of Mossad and Shin Bet manufactured terrorism, from the Lavon Affair in 1954 to the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre (which some German officials believed was a covert operation that spawned a vicious Mossad crackdown on Palestinian resistance), to Mossad's nurturing of Hamas to the discovery of fake “al-Qaeda in Palestine” cells in 2002.