
Multi res Fix - Unable to load D2MultiRes.dll
I'm not going to give any additional details, just a 'solution'
Here's the solution:
For those who are experiencing the error 'Unable to load D2MultiRes.dll download the following (google is your friend).
'Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package' available for both x86 and x64
I experienced this problem for a long time and couldn't find information anywhere on the internet except for a chinese forum which required google translation + a good reading dexterity which is WHY I've decided to post this information on a popular Diablo forum.
Hope this fixes the problem for people.
Multires For Diablo 2For

Compatibility Update The patched files to revert 1.14 patch are out! Players who downloaded the game using blizzard's installer may now follow the join instructions to effectively roll back to 1.13c. This will also help the players who want to use tools like PlugY in single player.

Multires For Diablo 2 Gameplay

Multires For Diablo 2

Multires For Diablo Ii

(The Launcher from this link will downgrade the Diablo II version down to 1.13c for you) Are PlugY and Multires allowed? Neither one is supported by the servers. When are ladder resets? There are no defined dates for them, however they usually occur between 3 and 4 times per year. 2: Jun 26, 2020: Question Diablo 3 Low FPS for new Build: PC Gaming: 5: Jun 25, 2020: Question Games keep lagging even when my computer is higher spec COD Warzone: PC Gaming: 14: May 20, 2020: J: Question cannot run games higher than 60hz: PC Gaming: 1: Apr 29, 2020: M: Question Which parts to upgrade to reduce lag and get higher fps in Warzone.