I recently received a request from a user where they were having issues opening a Microsoft Project file and I thought I would share my findings. It’s not that it is so much a complex or difficult issue as it is a frustrating one, and shows you how sometimes people get a sour taste in their mouth about Microsoft.

Clicking Yes takes me to a page called Project 2007 Converter Information, but which is actually a download for Project 2003 Service Pack 3. I have called technical support, spoke with 2 people, and 25 minutes later I still don't know if it is possible to open a Project 2010 file in Project 2007. Someone is supposed to call me back in 8 hours. Project 2010 or 2013. No converter is available. Ask the person who sent the Project 2010 or 2013 file to save the file first in the Project 2000-2003 file format. Project 2000 or Project 2002: Project 2007, 2010 or 2013: No converter is available. Ask the person who sent the Project 2007 or later file to save the file first in the Project 2000.

The issue started when the user received a MS project file and tried opening it with MS Project 2007 which we have installed on our terminal servers. Project threw an error saying that this file was created in a new version and that we could download the converter in order to make it work. Well here is where the issue comes in. When we went to the link with the recommended fix, it took us to a site where we could download MS Project 2003 SP3 which contains a converter tool. I thought really?? Why would I install a service pack for an older version that does not even exist on my system?

Apparently the only converter tool available for Project 2007 is to open and convert Project 2003 files, which is rather annoying because you would think a compatibility patch or something would have been released when Project 2010 was. Probably asking too much right?

Ms Project 2007 To 2010 Converter Xls

The funny part of the whole situation is the actual solution Microsoft proposes on the Project 2010 website (see below).

Now wouldn’t it just be easier to ask the sender to save it as an older version?


Home → Troubleshooting → @RISK with Projects → 'The file was created by a newer version of Microsoft Office Project'

Disponible en español:'El archivo fue creado por una versión nueva de Microsoft Office Project'

Applies to:
@RISK 7.0 only

(This issue is resolved beginning in @RISK 7.5.0. Don't install this patch in @RISK 7.5.0 or newer.)

See All Results For This Question

Microsoft project file converter

I have Microsoft Project 2007. In @RISK, as soon as I click 'Import MPP File', I get this message:

The file was created by a newer version of Microsoft Office Project and a converter is needed to open it. Do you want to download the converter from the Microsoft Office Web site?

If I click No, I can't import the file. If I click Yes, I get 'Sorry, the page you're looking for can't be found.'

Ms Project 2007 To 2010 Converter

You need to replace an @RISK file in the Program Files or Program Files (x86) folder tree. Recent versions of Windows may not let you do this in a download, so please follow this procedure:

  1. Verify that Excel and Project are not running.

  2. Download the attached file to your desktop or another convenient location. To verify it, right-click and select Properties. The size should be exactly 270,848 bytes.

  3. Open the folder C:Program Files (x86)PalisadeRISK7 or C:Program FilesPalisadeRISK7 folder, whichever one exists.

  4. Click and drag the downloaded file into that folder. You may have to give permission twice, once to overwrite the older copy of the file and once to put the file into the Program Files tree.

Ms Project 2007 To 2010 Converter

Last edited: 2018-10-11

Saving A Project 2010 File As 2007, Or 2003 Still Cannot ...
